492: Finding Your Midwives and Releasing Fear with Marissa Olivera (DIAH Classic)
Marissa is a mom of 2 from Utica, NY, with both a hospital and home birth story.
Marissa experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with her first pregnancy. That, along with some early signs of labor made for a hospital birth that included a lot of intervention and fear. The way she sees it, baby Maxwell just wasn’t ready yet.
She planned for a home birth again with baby number two, Miles. With positive reinforcement from resources like Ina May Gaskin and Birth Without Fear, Marissa went into her second birth tuned in to her intuition and gut feeling (and we’re not just talking about the contractions!).
Marissa’s candor and detail with her birth stories compels you to listen and engage. She’s a great example of how to plan the birth you’re intending to create - like finding midwives even when you’re far away from a big city with more options.
We even get a little cameo from surprise guest Maxwell!
Links From The Episode:
- Marissa’s blogpost on her home birth - http://myeggiscracked.blogspot.com/2015/08/the-story-of-miles.html
- Birth Without Fear - http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/
- Ina May Gaskin - http://inamay.com/
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