5. The Age of Management
This podcast explores the history of corporate sustainability & responsibility and its growing use of management systems - including in the form of Strategic CSR. In the podcast, Prof. Dr Wayne Visser reads Chapter 5 from his book, The Age of Responsibility: CSR 2.0 and the New DNA of Business. The podcast is broken into the following sections:
- Case: Cadbury Brothers and Cadbury
- Business ethics through the ages
- The industrial welfare movement
- Cracks in the industrial edifice
- Spaceship earth on a collision course
- Towards a theory of responsibility
- The voluntary versus mandatory debate
- Challenging shareholder supremacy
- The quest to civilise cannibals
- If the [sweatshop] shoe fits
- The rise and fall of corporate governance
- The rise of shareholder activism
- A cornucopia of codes
- The curse of peripheral CSR
- The curse of incremental CSR
- The curse of uneconomic CSR