5. Your Profession vs. Your Artistry
I’m pulling back the curtain and giving you an exclusive sneak peek into something deeply personal and foundational to my upcoming program, Truth or Dare.
This episode features an audio excerpt from the Pre-game Workbook — the part most business programs completely ignore.
We’re talking about a concept that will change how you see yourself and your work forever: the difference between your profession and your artistry.
Your job title? Irrelevant.
Your latest pivot? Not the point.
Your artistry? That’s the unshakable through-line that makes your work matter.
Let me show you how to find it.
Inside this Episode, I talk about:
- How your artistry (and yes, you have one, I promise you) is the hidden force behind everything you do... even if you don’t see it yet.
- The critical mistake most entrepreneurs make when they confuse their profession with their deeper purpose.
- How anchoring into your artistry makes boldness effortless (instead of a constant struggle to “be brave”).
Want More? If this episode resonated, Truth or Dare is for you. It’s not about forcing yourself into scary action. It’s about deeply aligning with your artistry so that every step forward feels inevitable. Registration is open right now — come join us HERE.