51 - How to Succeed in Construction Sales, Even if You Hate Selling (Part 2 of 3)
This is episode two in the three-part mini-series on how to succeed in construction sales even if you hate selling. Today we're going to be looking at a sales strategy that you can use when pursuing new projects and courting new clients.
Specifically, we're going to dive into the importance of identifying sales objectives. How change impacts your ability to achieve your sales objectives. And three types of decision-makers in any construction sale and how to identify them.
Keep in mind if you or anyone who reports to you is responsible for sales you might find the construction sales assessment that I've put together extremely useful. Just go to my website https://ericanderton.com/constructionsales. You can download the assessment and also take a short exercise to help you to strengthen the five traits that successful salespeople in any field consistently display.
For detailed show notes on this episode, visit my blog at https://ericanderton.com/blog.
If you’d like to reach out to me on social media, I’m on LinkedIn and Twitter.
And on my Youtube channel, you’ll find a complete library of insights on life, business, and leadership that I’ve published over the years.
Episode highlights:
- [01:33 ] A simple exercise in strategic thinking using your top 5 clients or top 5 potential clients
- [04:50 ] In any sale that's complex, you have three types of decision-makers. You have the user, you have the technical expert, and you have the final money-man. And if you're going to be successful in construction sales, you have to be good at selling to them all.
- [07:50 ] In construction whenever we fall short or when things don’t go according to plan, it's an opportunity. To regain and even build trust as we fix the problems and the challenges facing us.
- [09:40 ] How to identify and take action on the next steps towards your sales objective
- [12:37 ] Whatever your feelings about a potential client or project, you must do the hard work necessary to find out the truth.
- [13:25 ] One of the most powerful things you can do in our culture is have a face-to-face conversation because we're so hooked into technology that we missed that. And there's nothing like a drive out to the job site.