DiscoverRestitutio538 Read the Bible for Yourself 7: How to Read Wisdom Literature
538 Read the Bible for Yourself 7: How to Read Wisdom Literature

538 Read the Bible for Yourself 7: How to Read Wisdom Literature

Update: 2024-03-08


This is part 7 of the Read the Bible For Yourself.

The Bible contains a treasure trove of wisdom literature that can help you navigate the ups and downs of life. Today you'll learn how to read and understand the books of Proverbs, Song of Songs, Job, and Ecclesiastes. Proverbs and Song of Songs teach us how to handle ourselves when the world is working the way it should while Job and Ecclesiastes address how to think and live when chaos strikes. Taken together these four books offer a full-orbed perspective on practical wisdom that you can incorporate into your life.

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—— Notes ——


  • “[Proverbs] should not be read as promises but as guidelines, as principles for living. They show the way life works best 80 to 95 percent of the time. The Bible is clear throughout Scripture: if you live a life oriented to God, you will tend to have a good life.”[1]

  • Proverbs 14:7: Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not find words of knowledge.

The Fool

  • Mouth of a fool brings ruin near (10:14 )

  • Utters slander (10:18 )

  • Doing wrong for fun (10:23 )

  • Broadcasts folly (12:23 )

  • No restraint, careless (14:16 )

  • Despises parent's instruction (15:5)

  • Does not receive a rebuke (17:10 )

  • Has plenty of personal opinions (18:2)

  • Perverse speech (19:1)

  • Quick to quarrel (20:3)

  • Devours wealth (21:20 )

  • Despises wise words (23:9)

  • Vents anger (29:11 )

  • Hasty in speech (29:20 )

The Wise

  • Honoring your parents (1:8-9; 10:1)

  • Handling money well, avoiding debt (3:9-10; 22:7

  • Discernment between right and wrong (3:21 ; 10:9; 28:5)

  • Understanding (3:13 ; 4:7; 18:2)

  • Fidelity in marriage (5:15-19; 6:32-35)

  • Hard work instead of laziness (6:6-11; 15:19 )

  • Fearing the LORD (9:10 ; 24:21 ; 31:30 )

  • Teachability, humility (9:9; 11:2)

  • Controlling what you say (10:19 ; 21:23 )

  • Righ
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538 Read the Bible for Yourself 7: How to Read Wisdom Literature

538 Read the Bible for Yourself 7: How to Read Wisdom Literature

Sean P Finnegan