DiscoverColleague Down the Hall56. Reflections from Year One of Podcasting: Embracing Diversity, Learning, and Resilienc
56. Reflections from Year One of Podcasting: Embracing Diversity, Learning, and Resilienc

56. Reflections from Year One of Podcasting: Embracing Diversity, Learning, and Resilienc

Update: 2024-03-28


In today’s episode of the Colleague Down the Hall podcast, I celebrate my first year of podcasting. This episode is a reflection of the key insights and themes that have emerged over the past year. I talk about the importance of fostering a supportive, inclusive, and collaborative community within the psychotherapy profession. I reflect on the past year's achievements in aligning with these virtues and set forth a vision for continuing to address the complexities of the profession through shared learning, ongoing professional development, and embracing diversity. This episode is all about celebrating our shared contributions to the psychotherapy community.


“I'd like to further highlight these important virtues which will continue to be guiding posts for all the ways we can support other therapists and the ways I will personally continue showing up over and over. Kindness has emerged as more than just a nicety. It's a powerful force that enables us to create a supportive atmosphere within the circles where our colleagues gather. It's a shared language that moves beyond professional boundaries, reminding us that though our client approaches and client populations may vary, we share a desire to help.”


Key Takeaways and Goals for Year 2:

  • The podcast has consistently emphasized kindness, collaboration, learning, embracing diversity, and the importance of supportive, constructive feedback. These virtues are presented not just as professional niceties but as essential pillars for both personal and professional well-being.

  • Addressing the complexities of the psychotherapy profession and the need for a balance between empathy, experience, and expertise.  We all benefit when we embrace shared learning and support to address the challenges and inadequacies within our profession.

  • Affirming the limitations of graduate studies in preparing therapists fully for doing this work as a human being in the real world with all of its challenges.

  • Addressing the intersection of personal life with professional responsibilities: I embrace the importance of acknowledging and normalizing the challenges therapists face, such as burnout, impostor syndrome, and the emotional impact of our work on each of us personally..

  • A commitment to continue promoting inclusivity and learning from a wide range of voices and experiences within our field will remain a key focus in the coming year.

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56. Reflections from Year One of Podcasting: Embracing Diversity, Learning, and Resilienc

56. Reflections from Year One of Podcasting: Embracing Diversity, Learning, and Resilienc

Jeanene Wolfe