57🔸Prevent Style Regrets with the Power of Enneagram Subtypes
Is there something you keep buying because you think it should work but it never does? I’ll tell you, I still fall for this one item every now and again, even though I know better. Welcome to Episode 57 of Signature Style Systems.
Understanding your own style preferences provides a kind of immunity from buying mistakes. By not making buying mistakes you can have a powerful impact on the problems associated with too much clothing in the world, not to mention your budget and peace of mind. In this episode I explain how Enneagram subtypes inform style preferences.
Download the Guide to Seasonal Energy & Personality Colors.
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Take the style personality quiz: What's Your Style Personality? Take the quiz here!
Are you a DIYer? Grab the workbook: The Wardrobe Pyramid and discover what clothes you really need for your lifestyle.
Want to learn more about how to discover your Style DNA? Visit my website.
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