#58. Writing Short Stories: The Doorway into Your Unconscious Mind
Writing short stories, even just brainstorming them, can give you insights into the workings of your unconscious mind - which can help define your voice as a writer as well as revealing the preoccupations that feed into your story themes. Join Anna Tizard on a journey of discovery, and enjoy three new story brainstorms using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. It's profound, it's fascinating, and at times, hilarious!
BEGIN INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 58 of Brainstoryum. Now, following the strange connections I discovered between the story ideas in the last show, which I only really picked up on at the end, I have some thoughts to share with you about the workings of the unconscious mind – and how writing can help you get in touch with the mysteries that lie just beneath the surface. For the art of writing is a discovery process, a journey which can reveal what might otherwise remain hidden from you. And I’ll talk a little bit about why I think short story writing can help you develop your skills and voice as a writer much more quickly than you would if you spend all your writing time on just one longer piece like a novel. But it won’t be long before I reach into the Socks of Destiny once more to explore three new story ideas for your inspiration. So let’s get on with the show.