5th Edition : Inflation/Deflation
Holy Hell it's What the Heckonomics!
This episode was recorded over TWO YEARS AGO! May 2018 to be exact and was lost, but was also found! So better late than never, right?
Brian, the armchair economist, is learnin Jake all about Inflation and Deflation. Did you know not all inflation is a bad thing? Jake didn't. As usual the duo list off a litany of bad metaphors to make it all make sense including chat about movie ticket prices, cars vs horses and buggies and candles vs light bulbs, and why they would or wouldn't make the must have game-of-the-year contender "What the Heckonomics" video game!
What the Heckonomics is part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network. Check out http://www.dragonwagonradio.com for official merchandise and more!
What the Heckonomics Theme courtesy of Russell Henson! Follow him www.twitter.com/rustyfawkes