618: Emil Amos

618: Emil Amos

Update: 2024-06-03


This segment of the podcast delves into the topic of mental health, specifically focusing on anxiety and panic attacks. The host shares his personal experience with plane anxiety, describing the feeling of being trapped and the overwhelming urge to scream. Emil, a frequent guest on the show, relates to this experience, mentioning his own struggles with mental illness and the importance of confronting these issues directly. They discuss the concept of spiritual bypass, where individuals attempt to repress or ignore their mental health struggles, and how this can actually exacerbate the problem. The conversation emphasizes the importance of confronting reality head-on, even if it's painful, as a way to overcome these challenges. Emil uses the analogy of vomiting to illustrate this point, suggesting that while the act of vomiting is unpleasant, it ultimately leads to a sense of relief and a release of the toxins that were causing discomfort. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the host's upcoming tour and a reminder to listeners to check out Emil's music.


Introduction and Guest Introduction

This Chapter introduces the episode and welcomes Emil Amos as the guest. The host shares upcoming tour dates and encourages listeners to check out Emil's music.

Returning to Portland

This Chapter delves into Emil's experiences returning to Portland after living there for 13 years. He discusses how his memories of the city have shifted and how his perspective on it has evolved over time.

Hedonism and Self-Abuse

This Chapter explores the nature of hedonism and how it can become a destructive force. Emil shares a personal anecdote about the death of a friend and how it made him reflect on his own past self-destructive behaviors.

Health and Self-Care

This Chapter focuses on the importance of self-care and how it relates to hedonism. The host and Emil discuss their own experiences with health and how they've made changes to their lifestyles.

The Sacred and Profane

This Chapter examines the dichotomy between sober life and hedonistic life, arguing that it's a false one. Emil shares his own experiences with hedonism and how it can become a destructive force if it's not approached with self-awareness.

Elliot Smith and the Nature of Art

This Chapter delves into a discussion of Elliot Smith's music and the artist's struggles with addiction and mental health. The host and Emil debate whether Smith's art is a reflection of his personal struggles or a product designed to manipulate listeners.

Self-Destruction and Beauty

This Chapter explores the idea of artists who find beauty within self-destruction. The host and Emil discuss the dangers of romanticizing self-destructive behavior and the importance of recognizing the grifter within ourselves.

The Grifter Within

This Chapter delves into the idea of grifters and how they manipulate our perceptions. The host and Emil discuss how we can become customers of our own culture and how this can lead to a sense of detachment from reality.

The Truman Show and Reality

This Chapter explores the idea of reality as a constructed narrative. The host and Emil discuss the film The Truman Show and how it reflects our own experiences with living in a world that is often manipulated and controlled.

Commercial Break

This Chapter is a commercial break for Blue Chew, a company that sells erectile dysfunction medication.

Confronting Anxiety and Panic

This Chapter focuses on the importance of confronting anxiety and panic attacks head-on, rather than avoiding them. The host shares his personal experience with plane anxiety and how he's learned to manage it through meditation and acceptance. Emil shares his own struggles with mental illness and the importance of being honest about these challenges. They discuss the concept of spiritual bypass and how it can actually exacerbate mental health issues. The conversation emphasizes the importance of facing reality, even if it's painful, as a way to overcome these challenges.


Emil Amos

Emil Amos is a musician, producer, and multi-instrumentalist known for his work in various bands, including The Holy Sons, The Grails, Lilix and Champagne, and Arm. He is known for his experimental and eclectic musical style, blending elements of rock, folk, electronic, and psychedelic music. He has collaborated with numerous artists and has a dedicated following in the indie music scene.


Portland, Oregon, is a city known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, its focus on sustainability, and its diverse culinary offerings. It has a reputation for being a progressive and liberal city, with a strong emphasis on community and local businesses. Portland has experienced significant growth in recent years, leading to changes in its demographics, housing market, and overall character.


Hedonism is a philosophy that emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain as the primary goals of life. It can be interpreted in various ways, from seeking physical pleasure to pursuing intellectual or artistic fulfillment. However, hedonism can also be associated with self-indulgence, excess, and a disregard for consequences.

Elliot Smith

Elliot Smith was an American singer-songwriter known for his introspective and melancholic music. He gained recognition for his work in the 1990s and early 2000s, blending elements of folk, indie rock, and alternative music. Smith's music often explored themes of love, loss, addiction, and mental health. He tragically died by suicide in 2003, leaving behind a legacy of influential and deeply personal music.

Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson was an American journalist and author known for his gonzo journalism style, which blended fact and fiction, personal experience, and social commentary. He is best known for his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which chronicled his drug-fueled adventures in Las Vegas. Thompson's work often explored themes of counterculture, rebellion, and the dark side of the American Dream. He died by suicide in 2005.


A grifter is a person who uses deception and trickery to gain an advantage, often by exploiting others. They may use various methods, such as con games, scams, or manipulation, to achieve their goals. Grifters are often characterized by their charisma, cunning, and ability to persuade others.


Samsara is a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism that refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is believed that individuals are trapped in this cycle due to their karma, or actions, and that they must break free from it through spiritual enlightenment. Samsara is often depicted as a wheel, symbolizing the continuous nature of the cycle.


Nirvana is a concept in Buddhism that refers to the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment. It is a state of perfect peace, freedom from suffering, and liberation from the cycle of samsara. Nirvana is often described as a state of non-duality, where there is no distinction between the self and the universe.

The Truman Show

The Truman Show is a 1998 film that follows the story of Truman Burbank, a man who unknowingly lives his entire life as the subject of a reality television show. The film explores themes of reality, control, and the nature of fame. It has become a cultural touchstone, often used to refer to the idea that our lives may be manipulated or controlled by unseen forces.

Spiritual Bypass

Spiritual bypass is a term used to describe the tendency to use spiritual practices or beliefs to avoid dealing with difficult emotions or psychological issues. It can involve using spirituality as a way to escape from reality, to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions, or to deny the existence of negative emotions. Spiritual bypass can be harmful because it can prevent individuals from addressing the root causes of their problems and from developing healthy coping mechanisms.


  • How has Emil's perspective on Portland changed since he lived there for 13 years?

    Emil feels that his memories of Portland have shifted, and his perspective on the city has evolved over time. He used to feel a sense of pride in Portland for being ahead of the curve in terms of American attitudes, but that pride has mellowed as the city has become more popular and changed significantly. Now, he feels a surge of sentimentality when he returns, recognizing the impact it had on his life and how it shaped his worldview.

  • What is Emil's perspective on hedonism?

    Emil believes that the distinction between a sober life and a hedonistic life is a false one. He has experienced both sides of this spectrum and acknowledges that hedonism can be both pleasurable and destructive. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and recognizing when hedonistic pursuits become harmful.

  • How does the conversation about Elliot Smith and Hunter S. Thompson relate to the idea of grifters?

    The host and Emil discuss how both Elliot Smith and Hunter S. Thompson were masters at writing about self-destruction and the dark side of life. They question whether these artists were simply reflecting their own experiences or intentionally manipulating their audiences. This leads to a broader discussion about the role of grifters in shaping our perceptions and the importance of recognizing the grifter within ourselves.

  • What is the significance of the Truman Show analogy in the conversation?

    The Truman Show analogy highlights the idea that reality can be a constructed narrative. The host and Emil discuss how we can become trapped in a world that is manipulated and controlled, similar to Truman's experience. They explore the challenges of recognizing this manipulation and finding a way to break free from it.

  • What are the dangers of drug use, according to the conversation?

    The conversation highlights the dangers of drug use, particularly the potential for addiction and mental health issues. The host and Emil share their own experiences with drug use and how it has impacted their lives. They emphasize the importance of self-awareness and recognizing when drug use becomes a destructive force.

  • What is the connection between the concepts of samsara and nirvana in the conversation?

    The conversation explores the Buddhist concepts of samsara and nirvana, suggesting that they are intertwined. The host and Emil argue that the vividness of negative emotions like anger and bitterness is a result of our awareness field, which is also the source of enlightenment. They suggest that these negative emotions can be a path to enlightenment if we can learn to navigate them with awareness.

  • How does the conversation about the mind as a wild beast relate to the idea of grifters?

    The host and Emil compare the mind to a wild beast, suggesting that it can be a powerful and dangerous tool. They argue that the mind can be manipulated by grifters, both external and internal, and that we must learn to control it in order to avoid being exploited. This relates to the earlier discussion about the grifter within ourselves and the importance of self-awareness.

  • What is the significance of the conversation about the host's experience with flying?

    The host's experience with flying highlights the dangers of allowing our minds to be controlled by fear and anxiety. He discusses how his fear of dying on a plane has become a recurring nightmare, and how he is struggling to break free from this cycle. This relates to the broader conversation about the importance of self-awareness and recognizing when our minds are being manipulated by negative thoughts and emotions.

  • What is the takeaway message of the conversation about drug use and the mind?

    The conversation about drug use and the mind emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between hedonism and self-care. The host and Emil share their own experiences with drug use and how it has impacted their lives. They suggest that while drugs can be a source of pleasure and enlightenment, they can also be a destructive force if they are not used with awareness and moderation. They encourage listeners to be mindful of their own mental and physical health and to seek help if they are struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

  • How does the conversation about confronting anxiety and panic relate to the idea of spiritual bypass?

    The conversation highlights the dangers of spiritual bypass, where individuals attempt to repress or ignore their mental health struggles, and how this can actually exacerbate the problem. The host and Emil emphasize the importance of confronting reality head-on, even if it's painful, as a way to overcome these challenges. They use the analogy of vomiting to illustrate this point, suggesting that while the act of vomiting is unpleasant, it ultimately leads to a sense of relief and a release of the toxins that were causing discomfort.

Show Notes

Emil Amos, musician, one of Duncan's dearest friends, and fan-favorite, re-joins the DTFH!

Listen to Emil's podcast, Drifter's Sympathy, available everywhere you can download a podcast! You might know Emil as the drummer for OM, GRAILS, LILACS & CHAMPAGNE, and singer and guitarist of HOLY SONS. His music is available everywhere you like to listen!

Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg and Duncan Trussell.

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618: Emil Amos

618: Emil Amos

Duncan Trussell Family Hour