63. The fentanyl epidemic with Dawn Danner
Honestly when I was introduced to Dawn & what she would share on the podcast I thought, YUCK - I don’t want to talk about this! This doesn’t apply to me. Can’t we talk about anything else that’s not so hard & dark?
But, I learned from Dawn “Fentanyl is an epidemic that is impacting every area of our community. It is a human problem.
Fentanyl is in 7 out of 10 street pills.”
The world is talking about it - we must talk about it in faith & hope.
“Being willing to listen & how can I understand what’s happening around us.
Perhaps you could be a small part of the solution.” ~Dawn
Dawn shares real, easy ways to shift how we talk about drugs.
“Drug use is bad, yes, but never taking any medication a doctor didn’t give you.”
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