64 - How to Connect With Young Kids and Stay Connected to Them
Kids of all ages need to feel connected and loved unconditionally. How can you set up a system in your family for creating and keeping those connections? In this podcast we go over connections for kids between 2 and 10. The next podcast covers what you can do for teens and tweens, a much harder demographic than younger kids who still think the world of you.
In this episode we explore ideas on how to have regular "quick" connections on a daily or weekly basis while also considering longer "dates" with our kids. We talk about how the intention is for each parent to have one-on-one time with each kid in their family.
There are examples of how some families have accomplished this as well as resources for ideas on what to do for "short" connections as well as times to connect in longer, more meaningful ways.
The goal is to set up connections that can go deep and will continue on into their tween and teen years.
Hint: Start young!
Resources for this podcast:
30 Joyful Ways to Connect by OneTimeThrough
56 Ways to Connect With Your Kids by TalkingParents.com
Email me at mary@parentingdecoded.com or go to my website at www.parentingdecoded.com.
Have a blessed rest of your day!