64. How to Participate in Twitter Chats with Debra Eckerling
Debra Eckerling is host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat, Sundays at 10pm ET. She is also a goal coach, project catalyst, and founder of The D*E*B Method. Debra works with individuals and businesses helping them set goals and manage their projects. She’s the author of “Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals” (due out in January 2020).
In this episode, Debra Eckerling and I talk about all things Twitter chats. You know that is one of my favorite topics! She shares really helpful advice on how to participate in Twitter chats. And she’ll tell you how to find chats and what you should be doing DURING chats. And in case you’d like to host your own, Debra shared a strategy that will help prepare you.
Podcast show notes with links and info is available at https://madalynsklar.com/twittersmarter64