#7: Cities and Data
Smart cities are ideal, a promise that is a result of, first, the observation that cities were the main source of human and environmental stress, and second, the emergency of new and efficient forms of storage and sharing information. In the early 2000s, we had the reasons, motivation, and apparently means to re-invent cities.
However, some might say that a smart city is too much of a big promise to be kept. As we mentioned in the first episode of the Data Talks, cities are different, have different challenges, and have different goals.
And how can cities decide what their own goals are? How can cities produce and use their own knowledge, establishing their own and original developing models? What data and what data strategy do we need for that?
Prof. Dr. Samuel Mössner
Full Professor at the Institute of Geography at University of Münster
Carolina Guimarães
Coordinator of Indicators for the Sustainable Cities Program.