DiscoverСкандинавская ходьба73.FW Walking mentorship. João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes.
73.FW Walking mentorship. João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes.

73.FW Walking mentorship. João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes.

Update: 2021-10-01


Changing lives at 4 Km/h, naturally. Always walking, always in nature.

The guests of the podcast are João Perre Viana, founder of the Walking Mentorship, and his partner Nuno Santos Fernandes.
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The questions asked to the quest:
1:10 What is walking mentorship and what unites us with nordic walking?
6:46 What kind of confidence and transformation people can expect from WM programs?
18:08 How do people change within 1, 3, 7 days programs?
24:25 Do you promise any changes to participants during the program?
30:50 How important is environment and synergy for transformation in life?
37:00 What level of English is required to participate?
45:05 Is it a program for singles or families can do it together?
46:30 Should participants bring Nordic walking poles with them?
50:28 What better leave at home?
54:22 How people can find and reach you?

The host of the podcast is Alexander Mekh.
The head of the Nordic walking school in Belarus, where you can undergo training from a beginner to an instructor, purchase poles and equipment for classes, become a member of club events, online training and distant training at Smart Nordic Walking.

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73.FW Walking mentorship. João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes.

73.FW Walking mentorship. João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes.

João Perre Viana and Nuno Santos Fernandes