DiscoverTin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli#779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April
#779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April

#779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April

Update: 2024-05-306


Elizabeth April, a self-proclaimed extraterrestrial in human form, shares her unique perspective on the world, drawing from her experiences with remote viewing, alien abductions, and her connection to the Galactic Federation. She believes that most people are born with extra sensory abilities, which are often suppressed over time. Her own abilities reemerged through past life regression, leading her to explore remote viewing, astral travel, and ultimately, an abduction by extraterrestrials. She emphasizes the importance of questioning and challenging societal norms, suggesting that the current reality is a simulated matrix controlled by reptilian shapeshifters and the Anunnaki. She believes that we are on the cusp of a major shift in consciousness, driven by solar flares and the emergence of a new earth frequency. This shift will bring about a clash between the old world order and the new, with the potential for both destruction and unity. She also discusses the role of star seeds, individuals who have incarnated as humans with a specific mission, and the importance of cosmic disclosure in challenging religious dogma and exposing the shadow government's agenda. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the future, with Elizabeth predicting a period of upheaval and transformation leading to a new era of unity and collective consciousness. The hosts then discuss the episode, debating the validity of reincarnation and the nature of consciousness. One host expresses skepticism about reincarnation, finding the idea of losing memories of loved ones unsettling. The other host, however, is open-minded to the concept, suggesting that it might involve a higher level of consciousness where individual identity is transcended. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the hosts' personal beliefs and perspectives on the spiritual realm.


Introduction and Welcome

This Chapter introduces the podcast and welcomes Elizabeth April, a self-proclaimed extraterrestrial in human form, to the show. The host expresses excitement for the topic of the episode and highlights Elizabeth's unique experiences and perspectives.

Elizabeth April's Background and Experiences

This Chapter delves into Elizabeth April's personal journey, starting with her early experiences with extra sensory abilities and her Catholic upbringing. She describes her struggles with fitting in and her eventual suppression of her abilities. She recounts her experience with past life regression at the age of 16, which led to her reawakening and exploration of reincarnation, remote viewing, and astral travel. She shares her experience of being physically abducted by extraterrestrials at the age of 18, which further expanded her understanding of the universe and her own purpose.

Beliefs and Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life

This Chapter explores Elizabeth's beliefs about extraterrestrial life, including her perspective on UFOs, the Galactic Federation, and the existence of both benevolent and malevolent extraterrestrial beings. She discusses her understanding of quantum mechanics and the binary nature of the universe, which she believes influences the interactions between different species and dimensions. She shares her personal experience of being abducted by the tall whites, a species known for working with governments for technology transfer.

The Shadow Government and Reptilian Agenda

This Chapter delves into the shadow government and its connection to extraterrestrial technology and the reptilian agenda. Elizabeth discusses the role of the black nobility, the Nazis, and the international banking cabal in controlling the world. She highlights the importance of understanding the technology transfer between extraterrestrials and governments, and its implications for the current world order.

Human Evolution and the Anunnaki

This Chapter explores Elizabeth's understanding of human evolution and the role of the Anunnaki in shaping our history. She believes that reptilians were the dominant species on Earth before humans evolved, and that the Anunnaki arrived to mine gold, eventually creating humans through genetic manipulation. She discusses the potential connection between the Anunnaki and fallen angels, and the implications of their actions for the current state of humanity.

The Age of Atlantis and the Pleiadian Intervention

This Chapter delves into the history of Atlantis and the role of the Pleiadians in shaping human civilization. Elizabeth describes the advanced technology and knowledge possessed by the Atlanteans, and the intervention of the Pleiadians in splicing their DNA with human DNA. She highlights the significance of Atlantis as a turning point in human history and its connection to the current state of the world.

The Matrix and the Simulation

This Chapter explores Elizabeth's understanding of the simulated reality we inhabit, which she refers to as the matrix. She describes the density and vibration of this realm, and the various entities and players who seek to control it. She believes that the matrix is a tool for learning and growth, and that we can master it to ascend to higher frequencies.

The Role of Jesus and Ascension

This Chapter delves into Elizabeth's perspective on Jesus, Yeshua, and his role in providing a playbook for ascension. She believes that Jesus was a highly enlightened being who defied the laws of physics through his high vibration and unconditional love. She discusses the concept of ascended masters and their ability to perform alchemy through their high frequency.

The Reincarnation Cycle and the Prison Planet

This Chapter explores the concept of the reincarnation cycle and the prison planet theory. Elizabeth discusses the universality of karma and the unique challenges of Earth as a place for karmic completion. She shares her experiences with mediumship and crossing over spirits into the light, confirming that the light is not a trap but a beautiful place of pure source.

The Rulers of the Realm and the Shift in Consciousness

This Chapter examines the concept of the rulers of the realm and the shift in consciousness that is currently underway. Elizabeth believes that the current reality is ruled by Luciferian forces, who reward those who play by their rules. She highlights the importance of choosing simple, authentic practices over easy, superficial ones, and the role of solar flares in accelerating our vibration and shifting the rules of the realm.

The Galactic Federation and its Role

This Chapter introduces the Galactic Federation, an organization of extraterrestrial beings dedicated to service to others and upholding the laws of the universe. Elizabeth discusses the law of non-intervention and the Galactic Federation's role in ensuring that advanced civilizations do not interfere with less advanced ones. She shares her own experiences working with the Galactic Federation and the challenges of navigating the binary system of the universe.

Star Seeds and the Awakening of Humanity

This Chapter explores the concept of star seeds, galactic volunteers who have incarnated as humans with a specific mission. Elizabeth believes that individuals on the autism spectrum are often star seeds, and that the current generation of children is uniquely positioned to change the world. She discusses the importance of questioning and challenging societal norms, and the role of technology in both suppressing and awakening consciousness.

Cosmic Disclosure and the Shadow Government Agenda

This Chapter examines the concept of cosmic disclosure and the shadow government's agenda to suppress the truth about extraterrestrial life. Elizabeth discusses the Vatican's role in suppressing this knowledge and the motivations behind government disclosures. She also explores the role of whistleblowers and the importance of discerning truth from misinformation.

The Future and the Emergence of the New Earth

This Chapter concludes with a discussion of the future and the emergence of the new earth frequency. Elizabeth predicts a period of upheaval and transformation between 2024 and 2028, with a clash between the old world order and the new. She expresses hope for a future of unity and collective consciousness, where humanity can come together to address global challenges and create a more sustainable and equitable world.

Post-Show Discussion: Reincarnation and Consciousness

This Chapter begins with the hosts wrapping up the interview with Elizabeth April and providing information on how to find her work. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the episode, with the hosts sharing their thoughts and perspectives on the topics covered. The main focus of this chapter is on the concept of reincarnation and the nature of consciousness. One host expresses skepticism about reincarnation, finding the idea of losing memories of loved ones unsettling. The other host, however, is open-minded to the concept, suggesting that it might involve a higher level of consciousness where individual identity is transcended. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the hosts' personal beliefs and perspectives on the spiritual realm.


Elizabeth April

Elizabeth April is a self-proclaimed extraterrestrial who claims to have experienced remote viewing, alien abductions, and a connection to the Galactic Federation. She believes in the existence of a simulated reality controlled by reptilian shapeshifters and the Anunnaki, and predicts a shift in consciousness leading to a new era of unity and collective consciousness. Her work explores themes of spirituality, extraterrestrial life, and the nature of reality.

Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation is a hypothetical organization of extraterrestrial beings, often described as benevolent and dedicated to service to others. It is a popular concept in UFOlogy and New Age spirituality, often associated with the idea of cosmic disclosure and the intervention of advanced civilizations in human affairs. The Galactic Federation is believed to uphold the laws of the universe and ensure that advanced civilizations do not interfere with less advanced ones.


Reincarnation is the belief that after death, the soul or spirit is reborn into a new body. It is a central tenet of many religions and spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and some forms of Native American spirituality. The concept of reincarnation often involves the idea of karma, where actions in one life influence the circumstances of future lives. Reincarnation is a complex and multifaceted concept, with different interpretations and variations across different cultures and belief systems.


Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been studied by philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists for centuries. There is no single agreed-upon definition of consciousness, and its nature and origins remain a subject of ongoing debate. Consciousness is often associated with subjective experience, self-awareness, and the ability to perceive and interact with the world.

Reptilian Shapeshifters

Reptilian shapeshifters are a popular conspiracy theory that claims that a race of reptilian humanoids are secretly controlling the world. These reptilians are believed to be able to disguise themselves as humans and manipulate events behind the scenes. The theory often links reptilian shapeshifters to the Anunnaki, a group of extraterrestrial beings who are said to have created humans through genetic manipulation. The reptilian shapeshifter theory is widely considered to be a fringe belief with no scientific evidence to support it.


The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian mythology. They are often described as powerful beings who came to Earth from the heavens and created humans through genetic manipulation. The Anunnaki are associated with various aspects of human civilization, including agriculture, technology, and social order. The Anunnaki have become a popular subject of conspiracy theories, with some believing that they are still secretly influencing events on Earth. The Anunnaki are often linked to the reptilian shapeshifter theory, with some believing that they are reptilian humanoids who have disguised themselves as gods.

Astral Travel

Astral travel, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), is a term used to describe the experience of leaving one's physical body and traveling in the astral realm. It is a common concept in esoteric traditions and is often associated with spiritual practices such as meditation and lucid dreaming. Astral travel is often described as a form of consciousness projection, where the mind or soul is able to travel independently of the physical body. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of astral travel, and it is often considered to be a subjective experience with no objective reality.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a parapsychological practice that claims to allow individuals to perceive information about a distant location or event without using any known sensory means. It is often described as a form of clairvoyance or extrasensory perception (ESP). Remote viewing has been studied by government agencies and private researchers, but there is no scientific consensus on its validity. Some proponents of remote viewing believe that it is a real phenomenon that can be used for intelligence gathering, while skeptics argue that it is a form of cold reading or confirmation bias.

Cosmic Disclosure

Cosmic disclosure is a term used to describe the revelation of information about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies. It is often associated with the idea of a cover-up by governments and other powerful institutions. Proponents of cosmic disclosure believe that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed, and that it is only a matter of time before it is revealed to the public. Cosmic disclosure is a popular topic in UFOlogy and conspiracy theories, and it has been the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and websites.

Shadow Government

The shadow government is a conspiracy theory that claims that a secret group of individuals or organizations is secretly controlling the world. This group is believed to be operating behind the scenes, manipulating events and influencing government policies. The shadow government is often associated with the New World Order, a conspiracy theory that claims that a group of powerful individuals are working to establish a one-world government. The shadow government theory is widely considered to be a fringe belief with no scientific evidence to support it.


  • What are Elizabeth April's main claims about extraterrestrial life and the nature of reality?

    Elizabeth April believes that most people are born with extra sensory abilities, which are often suppressed over time. She claims to have experienced remote viewing, alien abductions, and a connection to the Galactic Federation. She suggests that the current reality is a simulated matrix controlled by reptilian shapeshifters and the Anunnaki, and predicts a shift in consciousness leading to a new era of unity and collective consciousness.

  • What are the hosts' differing perspectives on reincarnation?

    One host expresses skepticism about reincarnation, finding the idea of losing memories of loved ones unsettling. The other host, however, is open-minded to the concept, suggesting that it might involve a higher level of consciousness where individual identity is transcended.

  • What is the significance of the Galactic Federation in Elizabeth April's worldview?

    Elizabeth April believes that the Galactic Federation is a benevolent organization of extraterrestrial beings dedicated to service to others and upholding the laws of the universe. She claims to have worked with the Galactic Federation and believes that they play a role in ensuring that advanced civilizations do not interfere with less advanced ones.

  • What is the concept of star seeds, and how does Elizabeth April relate it to the current generation of children?

    Star seeds are galactic volunteers who have incarnated as humans with a specific mission. Elizabeth April believes that individuals on the autism spectrum are often star seeds, and that the current generation of children is uniquely positioned to change the world.

  • What is the shadow government's agenda, according to Elizabeth April?

    Elizabeth April believes that the shadow government is suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies. She claims that the Vatican and other powerful institutions are involved in this cover-up.

  • What is the significance of the shift in consciousness that Elizabeth April predicts?

    Elizabeth April believes that we are on the cusp of a major shift in consciousness, driven by solar flares and the emergence of a new earth frequency. This shift will bring about a clash between the old world order and the new, with the potential for both destruction and unity.

  • What are the hosts' thoughts on the concept of a higher level of consciousness?

    One host expresses skepticism about the idea of losing individual identity in a higher level of consciousness, while the other host is open-minded to the concept, suggesting that it might be a more advanced state of being.

  • What is the role of technology in Elizabeth April's worldview?

    Elizabeth April believes that technology can be used to both suppress and awaken consciousness. She suggests that the shadow government is using technology to control the population, while individuals can use technology to access information and expand their awareness.

  • What is the significance of the reptilian shapeshifter theory in the context of the episode?

    The reptilian shapeshifter theory is discussed as a fringe belief that claims that a race of reptilian humanoids are secretly controlling the world. The hosts express skepticism about this theory, but acknowledge that it is a popular concept in conspiracy theories.

Show Notes

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli.  This episode we welcome Truth Seeker Elizabeth April to the show to discuss her clairvoyant abilities, remote viewing, the downfall of the Reptilians and how everything going on is leading to New Earth and us ascending to the 5th dimension!  Nothin but bangers!  Thank you for your support. 

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#779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April

#779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April