82- Genes and Cancer

82- Genes and Cancer

Update: 2024-08-1615


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Cancer is a disease that develops because of unusual cell growth in the human body. Cancer cells take over and attack healthy cells, leaving the normal working cells in a state of destruction.

Extensive research has been done to understand the link between genes and cancer. A gene is what decides the traits a living thing may inherit. Genes can be found in the DNA of each cell in the body. DNA contains a code that carries all the needed information about the qualities of a living thing. Genes control how cells work by making proteins that have special jobs. These proteins make up everything_ bones, teeth, muscles, blood, etc._ in our bodies.

Genes pass on the DNA code to proteins that decide eye color, hair color, and skin color. Furthermore, damaged DNA can sometimes be passed on as well. The damaged DNA can eventually lead to gene changes, which then may result in a problem in the body. Over time, the problem may become a disease and, sometimes, even become cancerous. There are many different types of cancers. Breast cancer is the most common in the female population, while prostate cancer is the most common in the make population.

Drinking alcohol increases the chances of developing cancer in different places of the body such as the head, neck, liver, or throat. Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer in the United States. Studies also show a strong link between eating too much sugar and a higher risk of cancerous cells growing even faster.

Although scientists have been studying cancer, there is still no cure for the disease. Hopefully, a cure will eventually be found and prevent the sadness that comes from losing a loved one to cancer.

Thanks for listening😉💚

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رشته ی ریاضی کوچیک شما دارم برق می خونم

Aug 25th
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نظرتون چیه که بخش چهار گزینه ای ها رو نه ترجمه کنین و نه جوابشو بگین می خواستم کامنت بذارم دیدم خودتون جواب دادین همه چی اسپویل شد😪😆😅

Aug 25th
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این جور اپیزود ها خیلی بهتره به نظرم چون کلمات بیشتر و متفاوت تری داره

Aug 25th



Aug 25th
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Hamed Hamedian


Aug 17th
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82- Genes and Cancer

82- Genes and Cancer