DiscoverInterviews with Arizonans Podcast#9 - Maria Bello from the Dissident Project on Immigrating from Venezuela and the Dangers of Socialism in America
#9 - Maria Bello from the Dissident Project on Immigrating from Venezuela and the Dangers of Socialism in America

#9 - Maria Bello from the Dissident Project on Immigrating from Venezuela and the Dangers of Socialism in America

Update: 2022-09-08


The rise of Socialism as a viable economic system to create more equitable outcomes has been a hot topic in American politics in recent years. Politicians like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren,  Beto O'Rourke and Alexandria Cortez are trying to convince people that they need Big Government to take over the system in order for people to better their lives in the United States. They've infiltrated some of our most sacred institutions but none more dangerous than the indoctrination that is taking place today with our children.

Maria Bello and her family are legal immigrants to America from Venezuela, Today Maria works with the Dissident Project to educate and inform our youth on the dangers of Socialism from her family's personal experience. 

She sees many signs that our great country is following a very dangerous path that Venezuela began a little more than 20 years ago and is still living the nightmare today. Today Venezuelans are fleeing the country they love as Socialism has brought devastation, tyranny, oppression and authoritarianism to a country that was once one of the wealthiest Capitalist nations in the world per capita.  Perhaps the most dangerous sign among many alarming signs she sees is a current Democratic government, corrupt media and tech giants, corporations and educational institutions taking away or limiting freedom of speech and the ability to have open and honest conversations that they don't personally agree with. They silence real life experiences to make way for political narratives and personal points of view making way for a socialist government to take on more power.

Listen closely, Maria wants you to know that once you give total power to a government it is almost impossible to regain. If you want truth stop listening to corrupt institutions and politicians and listen to those that have experienced the real truth first hand,

Most importantly she warns if disparity from Socialism can happen in Venezuela, it can happen anywhere and America is no exception. 









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#9 - Maria Bello from the Dissident Project on Immigrating from Venezuela and the Dangers of Socialism in America

#9 - Maria Bello from the Dissident Project on Immigrating from Venezuela and the Dangers of Socialism in America

Todd S Hall