DiscoverKnowledge Fight#930: May 30-June 1, 2024
#930: May 30-June 1, 2024

#930: May 30-June 1, 2024

Update: 2024-06-0310


This segment of the podcast features Alex Jones, host of Info Wars, ending his show with a dramatic farewell, claiming it's his last broadcast. He thanks his crew and viewers, acknowledging the ongoing legal battles and the potential for violence. The segment is filled with a sense of finality and uncertainty, as Jones and his guests reflect on the show's impact and his legacy. The crew plays a compilation of Jones's most memorable moments, creating a bittersweet atmosphere. Some guests express concern about Jones's behavior, particularly his apparent intoxication and his accusations against his CRO. They also discuss the potential legal ramifications of his actions. The segment ends with Jones seemingly drunk and vomiting on air, leaving viewers with a sense of unease and confusion.


Alex Jones Accuses His CRO of Trying to Shut Down Info Wars

This Chapter begins with Alex Jones discussing his belief that his Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) is working with a lawyer, Pat McGill, to shut down his show. Alex claims that McGill is mentally ill and is trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. Alex plays a recording of a phone call with McGill, where McGill repeatedly says he won't say anything.

Alex Jones Calls John Harman, Head of Mountain Way

This Chapter continues with Alex Jones calling John Harman, the head of the advertising company Mountain Way, and asks him if he's heard about the controversy. Harman says he has no idea. Alex then accuses McGill of trying to shut down his show and says he's going to fight back. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing.

Alex Jones Signs Off on What Could Be His Last Broadcast

This Chapter concludes with Alex Jones signing off on what could be his last broadcast, saying that he's going to continue to fight for his right to free speech. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing.

Alex Jones's Allegations and the Strizon Effect

This Chapter features Alex Jones discussing his belief that his Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) is working with a lawyer, Pat McGill, to shut down his show. Alex claims that McGill is mentally ill and is trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. Alex plays a recording of a phone call with McGill, where McGill repeatedly says he won't say anything. Alex then calls John Harman, the head of the advertising company Mountain Way, and asks him if he's heard about the controversy. Harman says he has no idea. Alex then accuses McGill of trying to shut down his show and says he's going to fight back. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing. The segment ends with Alex Jones signing off on what could be his last broadcast, saying that he's going to continue to fight for his right to free speech. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing.

The Potential End of Info Wars

This Chapter features Alex Jones discussing the potential end of his show, Info Wars, and the ongoing legal battles he faces. He claims that his CRO and a lawyer, Pat McGill, are trying to shut down his show and silence him. Alex also discusses the Strizon Effect, which he describes as the phenomenon of people trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. He believes this is a form of censorship and that it's being done to him because he's a threat to the establishment. Alex also discusses the potential for violence and the need to fight back against what he sees as a communist takeover of America. He calls for his supporters to surround the Info Wars building and defend him peacefully. Alex also discusses the potential for violence and the need to fight back against what he sees as a communist takeover of America. He calls for his supporters to surround the Info Wars building and defend him peacefully. Alex also discusses the potential for violence and the need to fight back against what he sees as a communist takeover of America. He calls for his supporters to surround the Info Wars building and defend him peacefully.

The End of Info Wars?

This Chapter features Alex Jones and his guests discussing the potential end of Info Wars and the ongoing legal battles he faces. They discuss the possibility of Alex Jones being shut down and the potential for violence. Alex Jones also discusses his belief that his CRO is working with a lawyer, Pat McGill, to shut down his show. Alex claims that McGill is mentally ill and is trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. Alex plays a recording of a phone call with McGill, where McGill repeatedly says he won't say anything. Alex then calls John Harman, the head of the advertising company Mountain Way, and asks him if he's heard about the controversy. Harman says he has no idea. Alex then accuses McGill of trying to shut down his show and says he's going to fight back. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing. The segment ends with Alex Jones signing off on what could be his last broadcast, saying that he's going to continue to fight for his right to free speech. He also says that he's going to continue to expose McGill's alleged wrongdoing. Alex Jones claims that his show is being shut down by his CRO and a lawyer, Pat McGill, and he accuses them of trying to silence him. Guests like Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and General Flynn discuss the situation and the potential for violence. Alex Jones claims that his show is being shut down by his CRO and a lawyer, Pat McGill, and he accuses them of trying to silence him. Guests like Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and General Flynn discuss the situation and the potential for violence. Alex Jones claims that his show is being shut down by his CRO and a lawyer, Pat McGill, and he accuses them of trying to silence him. Guests like Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and General Flynn discuss the situation and the potential for violence. The segment ends with Alex Jones seemingly drunk and vomiting on air.

Alex Jones's Farewell and the Crew's Reflections

This Chapter features Alex Jones bidding farewell to his viewers, claiming that this is his last broadcast. He thanks his crew and viewers, acknowledging the ongoing legal battles and the potential for violence. The segment is filled with a sense of finality and uncertainty, as Jones and his guests reflect on the show's impact and his legacy. The crew plays a compilation of Jones's most memorable moments, creating a bittersweet atmosphere.


Alex Jones

Alex Jones is an American radio host, conspiracy theorist, and far-right political commentator. He is the founder and host of the website Info Wars, which promotes conspiracy theories and far-right viewpoints. Jones has been a controversial figure for many years, and his views have been widely criticized by mainstream media and politicians. He has been accused of spreading misinformation and hate speech, and his website has been banned from several social media platforms.

Info Wars

Info Wars is a far-right American conspiracy theory website and radio show hosted by Alex Jones. The website promotes conspiracy theories and far-right viewpoints, and has been accused of spreading misinformation and hate speech. Info Wars has been banned from several social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO)

A Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) is a senior executive responsible for overseeing the restructuring of a company. This may involve a variety of tasks, such as reducing costs, streamlining operations, and selling off assets. CROs are often brought in during times of financial distress, but they can also be hired to help companies grow and become more efficient.

Pat McGill

Pat McGill is a lawyer who Alex Jones claims is working with his CRO to shut down his show. Alex accuses McGill of being mentally ill and of trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors.

Mountain Way

Mountain Way is an advertising company that Alex Jones claims was working with him until his CRO allegedly removed them as a sponsor. Alex accuses his CRO of trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors.

John Harman

John Harman is the head of Mountain Way, the advertising company that Alex Jones claims was working with him until his CRO allegedly removed them as a sponsor. Alex calls Harman on his cell phone during his show and asks him if he's heard about the controversy. Harman says he has no idea.

Strizon Effect

The Strizon Effect is a term used by Alex Jones to describe the phenomenon of people trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. He claims that this is a form of censorship and that it's being done to him because he's a threat to the establishment.

Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon is an American political strategist, media executive, and former White House Chief Strategist. He is known for his far-right views and his role in the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Bannon is the founder of the website Breitbart News, which promotes far-right viewpoints. He has been accused of spreading misinformation and hate speech, and his website has been banned from several social media platforms.

Roger Stone

Roger Stone is an American political strategist and lobbyist. He is known for his long career in Republican politics and his close ties to Donald Trump. Stone has been a controversial figure for many years, and has been accused of unethical and illegal behavior. He was convicted of lying to Congress and obstructing justice in connection with the Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

General Flynn

Michael Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the 25th United States National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration. He was forced to resign after it was revealed that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia, but later withdrew his plea and was pardoned by President Trump.


  • What does Alex Jones accuse his CRO of doing?

    Alex Jones accuses his CRO of working with a lawyer, Pat McGill, to shut down his show. He claims that McGill is mentally ill and is trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors.

  • Who is Pat McGill?

    Pat McGill is a lawyer who Alex Jones claims is working with his CRO to shut down his show. Alex accuses McGill of being mentally ill and of trying to build a narrative against him. He also alleges that McGill has been trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors.

  • What is the Strizon Effect?

    The Strizon Effect is a term used by Alex Jones to describe the phenomenon of people trying to silence him by removing advertisers and sponsors. He claims that this is a form of censorship and that it's being done to him because he's a threat to the establishment.

  • What does Alex Jones say he's going to do?

    Alex Jones says he's going to fight back against his CRO and Pat McGill. He says he's going to continue to expose their alleged wrongdoing and that he's not going to be silenced.

  • What is Steve Bannon's advice to Alex Jones?

    Steve Bannon suggests that Alex Jones's supporters should surround the Info Wars building to prevent the authorities from shutting it down. He believes this will create a standoff and expose the deep state's tactics.

  • What does General Flynn think is happening?

    General Flynn believes that the attempt to shut down Info Wars is part of a larger communist takeover of America. He suggests that Alex Jones and his supporters should consider taking more drastic measures, including terrorism, to fight back.

  • What does Alex Jones claim happened in between the two streams?

    Alex Jones claims that he had to physically confront people who were trying to put locks on the doors of the Info Wars building. He also claims that he had to explain to people with guns that they didn't have an order to stop him.

  • What does Alex Jones say about the potential for violence?

    Alex Jones believes that the deep state is trying to create a scenario that could easily get out of hand, leading to violence. He warns his supporters to be prepared for a potential false flag attack.

  • What does Alex Jones say about his own drinking?

    Alex Jones denies being an alcoholic and claims that his CRO is the one who is drunk. However, he later appears on air drunk and admits to drinking.

  • What does Alex Jones say about the future of Info Wars?

    Alex Jones believes that Info Wars is facing an existential attack and that he will not bow down to the deep state. He claims that he is willing to fight for his right to free speech and that he will not be silenced.

  • What does Alex Jones do at the end of the show?

    Alex Jones appears to be drunk and vomits on air. He also seems to be struggling to stay awake and is clearly exhausted.

  • What is the significance of Owen's stream?

    Owen's stream provides a different perspective on the events of the show. It shows Alex Jones smoking cigarettes and vomiting on air, which is not shown in the main Info Wars stream. This suggests that the Info Wars crew is editing the show to hide Alex Jones's behavior.

  • What is the significance of Chase's call?

    Chase's call is significant because he is a true believer in Alex Jones and his message. He is willing to stay on the show even though it is clear that Alex Jones is drunk and exhausted. This shows the power of Alex Jones's influence and the dedication of his followers.

  • What is the significance of the call with Sovereign Bra?

    The call with Sovereign Bra is significant because it is a perfect metaphor for the entire show. It is a microcosm of the whole, showing Alex Jones's inability to take responsibility for ending the show and his reliance on his followers to keep him going.

  • What is the significance of the crew's reaction to Alex Jones's farewell?

    The crew's reaction to Alex Jones's farewell is significant because it shows their mixed feelings about the situation. Some of them seem to be sad to see the show end, while others seem to be relieved. This suggests that the crew is divided in their opinions about Alex Jones and his behavior.

  • What is the significance of the crew's decision to play a compilation of Alex Jones's most memorable moments?

    The crew's decision to play a compilation of Alex Jones's most memorable moments is significant because it shows their respect for his legacy. It also highlights the show's impact on its viewers and the role that Alex Jones has played in their lives.

  • What is the significance of the guests' concerns about Alex Jones's behavior?

    The guests' concerns about Alex Jones's behavior are significant because they show that even his closest allies are starting to question his actions. This suggests that Alex Jones's behavior is becoming increasingly erratic and that his influence is waning.

  • What is the significance of the guests' discussion about the potential legal ramifications of Alex Jones's actions?

    The guests' discussion about the potential legal ramifications of Alex Jones's actions is significant because it shows that they are aware of the risks involved in supporting him. This suggests that they are starting to distance themselves from him and his controversial views.

Show Notes

In this installment, Dan and Jordan catch up with Alex to see how he experienced the Trump verdict, what he thinks about flat earthers, and how to have a really rough Saturday.

In Channel
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Table of contents









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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120 Minutes

#930: May 30-June 1, 2024

#930: May 30-June 1, 2024