DiscoverAnesthesia Guidebook#99 – The Effects of Anesthesia School Didactic Formatting on Resident Wellbeing – Cassie Capps
#99 – The Effects of Anesthesia School Didactic  Formatting on Resident Wellbeing – Cassie Capps

#99 – The Effects of Anesthesia School Didactic Formatting on Resident Wellbeing – Cassie Capps

Update: 2023-12-26


Cassie Capps, BSN, SRNA joins me to talk about the effects of didactic formatting in anesthesia training on resident wellbeing including stress, anxiety, confidence and academic performance. Her specific focus is on the mix of online versus in-person course work for nurse anesthesia trainees.

Cassie overviews what the literature says about this topic and is looking for YOU to join her efforts by completing a very quick survey about your experience at the end of this podcast.

The survey HAS CLOSED.

Cassie is completing her Doctor of Nursing Practice in anesthesiology at the University of Arizona and this study is part of her doctoral work. Prior to anesthesia training, Cassie was a CVICU Registered Nurse for 8 years and worked in the cath lab for 5 years before that. Prior to nursing school, Cassie completed a Master’s degree in music with a focus on Piano Performance & Pedagogy. She continues to teach piano on the side while completing her doctorate in anesthesiology at the University of Arizona.

Her unique experience with anesthesia school included moving through her program as a single mom of an 11 year old daughter. She also continues to play a big role in the lives of her two former stepdaughters who are now young adults.

This podcast is coming out on December 26, 2023. I hope you’ve had an amazing year and am thrilled to bring this episode to you. Please take a moment and complete the survey and help Cassie get some solid data for her project. Stay tuned because I plan to reconnect with Cassie in a couple of months after she’s crunched the numbers and see what she’s learned.


Alajmi, B., & Alasousi, H. (2019). Understanding and motivating academic library employees: theoretical implications. Library management, 40(3/4), 203-214.

Baqutayan, S. M. S. (2015). Stress and Coping Mechanisms: A Historical Overview. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences; Vol 6, No 2 S1 (2015): March 2015.

Berry, G. R., & Hughes, H. (2020). Integrating Work-Life Balance with 24/7 Information and Communication Technologies: The Experience of Adult Students With Online Learning. The American journal of distance education, 34(2), 91-105.

Botha, E., Gwin, T., & Purpora, C. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 13(10), 21-29.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Poor nutrition.

Columbia University. (2022). How sleep deprivation impacts mental health.
In Channel








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#99 – The Effects of Anesthesia School Didactic  Formatting on Resident Wellbeing – Cassie Capps

#99 – The Effects of Anesthesia School Didactic Formatting on Resident Wellbeing – Cassie Capps

Jon Lowrance