A Bot in the C-Suite? (First Aired: February 21, 2024)
By 2030, the best CIO might be a CIB: a chief intelligence bot. And the human CEO might be bolstered by a swarm of CEO bots, able to harness a vast diversity of perspectives. Can you imagine? In this episode, BCG’s Mickey McManus envisions a future where top leaders share the corner office with AI—blending the logical with human intuition. Mickey, a BCG senior advisor and a pioneer in human-centered design, considers how a company like this would function. Hint: he recommends an approach much like jazz improvisation.
Learn More
You’ll find more of what BCG has to say about generative AI here:
Listen to more of GENE, BCG's AI bot here:
GenAI on GenAI: https://lnk.to/bcg-genai-on-genai-series-link04
CEO Digest: https://lnk.to/ceo-digest-general-series-link04
Also, in this episode, Mickey recommends an entirely new reading list for the C-suite, including:
-Iain M. Banks’s Culture series: https://www.amazon.com/The-Culture-9-book-series/dp/B07WLZZ9WV
-Joy Buolamwini’s Unmasking AI [https://www.amazon.com/Unmasking-AI-Mission-Protect-Machines/dp/0593241835]
-Safiya Umoja Noble’s Algorithms of Oppression [https://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Oppression-Search-Engines-Reinforce/dp/1479837245]