A Chat with a Humanist Celebrant
What does it mean to be a good person according to a Humanist?
We ask Humanist Jane Blackman to share her opinion on being good according to her non-religious beliefs.
Jane is an award-winning Humanist Celebrant, performing non-religious weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies and other non-religious rituals. Last year, Jane was voted best celebrant in the country – she’s based in the UK - at the 2020 Wedding Industry Awards.
As a former head teacher, Jane is passionate about education and freedom of choice. She strives to treat others and all living things with care and compassion, and believes in us making the very most of every precious day that we have. In this conversation, Jane explains how humanism is all about people, relationships and human interactions.
This episode teaches us more about non-religious beliefs and what it means to be a humanist in today's world.
If, after listening, you'd like to learn more about humanism, you can visit humanists.uk. And if you want to find out more about Jane Blackman, please visit janeblackmanweddings.co.uk.