DiscoverHomeopathy for MommiesA Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner
A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner

A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner

Update: 2024-02-14


A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim LichtsteinerIn this podcast episode, Sue Meyer, ND, CCH, CST, spBAP interviews Kim Lichtsteiner, close friend and co-author of a resource book on COVID and respiratory health. They discuss the book’s extensive coverage of respiratory treatments, including nebulizers and various detox methods. Hear about the book’s practical advice on managing respiratory illnesses beyond just COVID-19.

To see the book and the table of contents, you can go to










Kim’s Inspiration for the Book (00:01:56 )

Breathing Treatments and Nebulizer Use (00:03:21 )

Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine Use (00:05:54 )

Book Contents and Formats (00:07:42 )

Respiratory Tools and Equipment (00:10:48 )

Comprehensive Book Content (00:11:50 )

Nebulizer Use and Treatments (00:18:25 )

Breathing Treatment Protocol (00:20:15 )

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment Experience (00:21:37 )

Respiratory Health and Oxygen Levels (00:24:47 )

Maintenance of Nebulizer Solutions (00:29:08 )


The content of the Homeopathy for Mommies Radio post or page, including text, graphics, images, or information contained in text or audio, or other content, is offered on an informational basis only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice and guidance of a qualified health professional before: Changing or making any adjustment to any medication or treatment protocol you are currently using.

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Information on this site is informational and not as specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problem(s), concerns and/or needs.

These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or prevent disease.

In each audio remedies are recommended. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these problems or disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions.

The post A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner

A Comprehensive Resource for Managing Respiratory Health: From Nebulizers to Detox Methods with Kim Lichtsteiner

Sue Meyer