A Deep Conversation With Ronni Tichenor and Jennie Weaver
To learn more about Ronni and Jennie and their work, visit
Their book, Healing Begins with Us: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Abuse and Rebuilding the Sibling Bond (HeartWisdom LLC, April 5, 2022), shares their inspiring and hopeful story of healing from their painful upbringing.
They are sharing their story now to help heal the shame that they have carried as survivors of trauma, and to contribute to healing the hearts of others who have struggled in similar ways. To them healing is not about changing, or becoming someone "different" or "better"---it's about becoming more fully who they are: a spark of The Divine, connected to All, here to assist each other as our souls explore this existence and learn to love and live in peace.
Ronni Tichenor has a PhD in sociology, specializing in family studies, from the University of Michigan.