A Hard Look
A Hard Look Honest communication between board members and information officers is critical to good cybersecurity. Cyber experts must relay their insights through non-technical storytelling and make a pertinent business case. Business leaders should aim for a cyber-aware culture permeating an entire organization.
Read more: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/12/cybersecurity-board-collaboration/
How can a vCISO help your organization?
The CISO role is all about the strategy, leadership, management, and communication of how potential threats will be assessed and solved.
The CISO will absorb the big picture and dismantle it and restructure it to ensure it meets the initiatives of the department and the organization.
Let E|CE help your Small Business
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrBillSouza
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbillsouza/
Youtube: https://bit.ly/3BGOtPA
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