A few weeks ago in privacy
This episode of Serious Privacy should actually have been released two weeks ago, but life happened... As usual however, Paul Breitbarth and Dr. K Royal discuss recent developments in privacy and data protection laws around the world. In this episode, they discuss:
- Opinion on certain obligations following from the reliance on processor(s) and sub-processor(s)
- Guidelines on the processing of personal data based on legitimate interest
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- Grumpy GDPR podcast on the EDPB subprocessors opinion.
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From Season 6, our episodes are edited by Fey O'Brien. Our intro and exit music is Channel Intro 24 by Sascha Ende, licensed under CC BY 4.0. with the voiceover by Tim Foley
#heartofprivacy #europaulb #igrobrien #seriousprivacy #privacy #dataprotection #cybersecuritylaw #CPO #DPO #CISO