A living room divided: Identity politics and radicalization
At a time repeatedly declared one of the most politically polarized, even the comfort of the family living room can become a hotbed for contentious debate. A new play by Isaac Gomez RADICAL or, are you gonna miss me? tells the sweeping story of a recently “radicalized” woman on the Mexican-American border, and hauntingly displays how the impact of her radicalization hits close to home. So using the events of the play RADICAL or, are you gonna miss me? as a launching point for a timely conversation – Host Andrea Ambam sat down with Isaac Gómez (Playwright), Glauz Diego (Director of Arts & Culture, Community Coalition LA), and Cecilia Márquez (Historian, Author &, Professor) to debunk the myths and misconceptions about BIPOC groups and political affiliation, explore the societal impacts of an ever-growing ideological divide, and to answer the question: what is the role of storytelling in rebridging our ability to sit in the living room with one another?
MORE TO TALK ABOUT (MTTA) is Level Forward’s Anthem Award-winning audience engagement platform that uses story to ignite culture-shifting conversations, activations, and community-building experiences. More where that's from on our curated digital hub www.moretotalkabout.com