A magical meeting with angel cat Lumi, and his letter to Sedona
When you are grieving the loss of your beloved pet, making a connection with your pet in the afterlife can bring much healing and comfort. In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, Marianne Soucy shares her connection with Lumi the angel cat and Lumi's powerful message filled with love and wisdom for his grieving human companion Sedona. Listen here, and afterwards, visit Marianne's website HealingPetLoss.com where you can see a photo of beautiful Lumi and read his message as well as Sedona's description of the synchronicity or confirmation she experienced in connection with Marianne's connection with Lumi.
If you would like Marianne Soucy to connect with your beloved pet that has passed and bring back a message from them to you, you can learn more on her website.