AISN #36: Voluntary Commitments are Insufficient
Voluntary Commitments are Insufficient
AI companies agree to RSPs in Seoul. Following the second AI Global Summit held in Seoul, the UK and Republic of Korea governments announced that 16 major technology organizations, including Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, and xAI have agreed to a new set of Frontier AI Safety Commitments.
Some commitments from the agreement include:
Assessing risks posed by AI models and systems throughout the AI lifecycle.
Setting thresholds for severe risks, defining when a model or system would pose intolerable risk if not adequately mitigated.
Keeping risks within defined thresholds, such as by modifying system behaviors and implementing robust security controls.
Potentially halting development or deployment if risks cannot be sufficiently mitigated.
These commitments [...]
(00:03 ) Voluntary Commitments are Insufficient
(02:45 ) Senate AI Policy Roadmap
(05:18 ) Chapter 1: Overview of Catastrophic Risks
(07:56 ) Links
First published:
May 30th, 2024
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