DiscoverActs of the Apostles Archives - Laura L. ZielkeActs 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows
Acts 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows

Acts 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows

Update: 2018-09-05


This week we expanded on the previous lesson about the miracles in Lydda and Joppa. We utilized a map of first-century Judea to help us have a more clear idea about distances traveled, geography, and topography of the area. We reviewed the Venn Diagram we created (see below) comparing and contrasting the healing of Aeneas and the raising of Tabitha (a.k.a. Dorcas) from the dead.

We discussed the fact that Tabitha is called a “disciple”—and it’s the only time in the New Testament, we have the feminine-singular form of the word (women were included in the masculine plural).

We also critically examined Luke’s record of Peter’s encounter with the mourning widows in Joppa. Where do commentators get the idea that the widows were poor, destitute, and mourning because their patroness had died? Is that accurate? Or is that reading something into the text that’s not there? 

>> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 9:32-43 <<

Acts 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows

Review and a very important warning about reading into the text something that is neither stated nor implied.

* Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been edited for class member privacy, time, and content.


PowerPoint Presentation:

There was no PowerPoint this week.

Venn Diagram of the Aeneas & Tabitha Miracles

** To participate along with the class, click to download a blank Acts 9 Venn Diagram (PDF)


Map of First Century Palestine with Roman Roads

Banner Photo Credit:








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Acts 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows

Acts 9:32-43 ~ Mapwork, Miracles, Mathetria & a Riff about “Poor” Widows

Laura Zielke

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