Alaskan Solutions and a Taste of Home Episode 8
In our 8th episode of Salmonfest Radio we’ll give you a taste of California and a taste of home. Our artist feature, Matt Embree, visited Alaska for the first time Salmonfest 2019, bringing his Long Beach solo alt rock and ska beats to the ocean stage. Like so many visitors, Matt was struck by the generosity and kindness Alaskans greeted him with. That spirit of generosity and community care is fully embodied by this episode’s Salmon Champions Sam Schimmel and Natalie Sattler. Together, they executed Operation Fish Drop, distributing 12,000 pounds of sockeye to Anchorage Elders and Alaska Natives in a single day. You’ll hear themes of food insecurity, first foods and Alaskan solutions packaged with some great tunes in our latest episode of Salmonfest Radio.
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Featured Music:
Matthew Embree
DeadPhish Orchestra