DiscoverMichael Moore: The Michael Moore PodcastAlito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word
Alito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word

Alito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word

Update: 2024-05-21


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Is it just me or have you too noticed that high level officials at the Supreme Court and the Governors from Red States seem poised to do January 6th all over again — except this time, do it right, kill more people, and “win”?

On this episode of my podcast, I discuss the two explosive news stories from last week that should serve as a warning to us all that MAGA continues to plan the overthrow of our Democracy — and by doing it in plain sight.

Plus my podcast team attends a riveting press conference of Campus Encampment leaders that the press chose not to cover. On the heels of the International Criminal Court prosecutors requesting warrants of arrest for Netanyahu, along with the leader of Hamas, on charges of crimes against humanity, these powerful words by one of the student protesters sprouts a renewed and strengthened resolve:

“We refuse to be distracted from genocide. My message to the Columbia University administration and the United States government is this: When the tide inevitably finishes turning, and your investment in moral bankruptcy is no longer politically profitable, understand that you have always been the villains. And when Palestine is finally free, we, your students, will never, ever forgive you. We will not stop fighting. This is only the beginning.”

Please listen, and share!

— Mike


A transcript of today’s episode is available here.

Click here to leave me a 60-second voice message (I might play it on a future podcast episode).

Photos by: Brandon Bell and Erin Schaff-Pool via Getty Images

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Alito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word

Alito Flies a Treason Flag, Gov. Abbott Pardons and Frees the Killer of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word

Michael Moore