All Street Images are Important with Tom Chambers
Today our guest is Austin Texas based street photographer, Tom Chambers.
Tom has been a very active street photographer since the 1980s when he began photographing in and around El Paso Texas. Since then he’s lived all over the world including India and China. He began his photographic journey while working for NASA on the Apollo project where he documented the lunar soil brought back to earth by the Apollo astronauts.
Tom is also a teacher and he’s putting that experience to work to introduce photographers in his area to street photography. Most recently Tom created an intensive street photography workshop in partnership with the famous Precision Camera in Austin called Street Photography and Documentary Portraiture. The month-long program runs each weekend during the entire month of June.
Tom says that it’s vital that street photographers get to know their camera inside and out so that they can be totally focused on the activity in the streets while shooting. He says when editing your photos it’s critical to evaluate each image in terms of it’s importance to you.