DiscoverKids Learning Lab!All about your Bloodstream (Includes Transcript)
All about your Bloodstream (Includes Transcript)

All about your Bloodstream (Includes Transcript)

Update: 2024-08-24


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Transcript (straight from my own script):

All About the Bloodstream

Kids Learning Lab!


Edited using Audacity, a free, open-source audio editor.

  • Reminder: This episode is not scary. It is just informational.


  • Hello! Before we start this episode, I’d like to tell you about the free games on the Kids Learning Lab website. There are 2 games, one about our episode on Chocolate, and another about our Dinosaurs episode. Also, you can sign up for the Kids Learning Lab newsletter to get quizzes, fun facts, and free bonus content. The newsletter is absolutely free and you can sign up on Patreon.

  • Also, about Patreon. It’s a service where you can sign up for free subscriptions, donate to Kids Learning Lab, and buy paid subscriptions that include bonus content, such as shout-outs, videos from me personally, and extra episodes and behind-the-scenes videos.

  • Check it out today! Now, time for this episode.

  • In this episode, we’re going to talk about the bloodstream, or as some call it, the circulatory system.


  • Your heart is like the engine of your circulatory system. Your heart pumps blood through small rivers called arteries and veins.

  • Your muscles need oxygen. Blood is like a shipping container that holds oxygen.

  • Arteries go from your lungs to your muscles. Arteries bring blood that has oxygen to your muscles. Muscles trade blood for carbon dioxide.

  • That’s why you breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide!

  • [short pause]

  • Veins take the carbon dioxide blood and bring it to your lungs.

  • The heart powers all of this by pumping the blood.

  • When veins with empty blood reach the lungs, the lungs give oxygen to the blood. Then, the blood travels through arteries since they have oxygen.

  • Now, let’s talk about blood cells.

  • Red blood cells are the shipping containers. They contain oxygen. White blood cells are the body’s army. They eat up any viruses or sicknesses in your blood.

  • The reason you cough and get a fever is the result of the white blood cells fighting.

  • Platelets are little cells that act like band-aids. Have you ever gotten hurt and then the spot dried up? That is a scab.

  • Scabs contain platelets. The platelets cover up the spot so viruses and diseases can’t get it. It’s like when the walls of your body’s castle breaks because of an injury, the soldiers quickly put up a wall. Platelets are the bricks the soldiers use to cover up the hole.

  • Time for fun facts!

  • 1. Throughout your life, your heart will probably pump 2.5 billion times!

  • 2. If the blood cells in your blood were stacked one on top of another, it would reach 12% to the moon! That’s 6,200 times the height of Mount Everest and 516 times the distance to space.

  • 3. Bones make blood!

  • 4. Your bloodstream is 60,000 miles long! That’s 1/4 of the way to the moon!

  • Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed this episode. The next one is going to be about the Olympics!










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All about your Bloodstream (Includes Transcript)

All about your Bloodstream (Includes Transcript)

Kids Learning Lab Media - Eshaan Buddhisagar