DiscoverLet’s Talk Italian With AronneAlternatives to “Mi piace” in Italian - Alternative alla Parola “Mi piace”
Alternatives to “Mi piace” in Italian - Alternative alla Parola “Mi piace”

Alternatives to “Mi piace” in Italian - Alternative alla Parola “Mi piace”

Update: 2020-10-20


Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Nella puntata di oggi, vi insegnerò delle alternative alla parola “Mi piace”. In italiano esistono tantissimi altri modi e tantissime altre sfumature, per esprimere il proprio apprezzamento, verso qualcuno o qualcosa. Per questo motivo, ho deciso di fare questo episodio. Tutte le alternative che sentirete ve le riporterò nella descrizione. Dateci un’occhiata!


Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! In today’s episode, I'll teach you some alternatives to the word “Mi piace”. In Italian there are many other ways to express appreciation for someone or something. All the expressions and examples you'll hear during this episode are in the description, take a look! Have a good time listening.

Alternatives to the word “Mi piace”:

1) Non mi dispiace

This alternative is certainly less strong than “mi piace”. It is used to express that we enjoyed something, but not too much.

Example: “Non mi è dispiaciuto l’ultimo film che abbiamo visto” (The last movie we saw wasn’t bad)

2) Apprezzo

This alternative is rather formal and expresses a moderate and contained appreciation.

Example: “Apprezzo molto il Suo interessamento nel mio progetto” (I really appreciate your interest in my project)

3) Mi garba

This alternative, on the other hand, is quite informal but it’s used a lot, especially by young people.

Example: “Quelle moto mi garbano un bel po’!” (Those motorcycles appeal to me very much!)

4) Mi va

There are two ways to use this alternative:

- Followed by a noun

Example: “Ti vanno due birre?” (Would you like to have a couple of beers?)

- Followed by “di + infinitive”

Example: “Ti va di fare un giro in centro?” (Would you like to go downtown?)

5) Mi va a genio

Even this expression is quite colloquial and it’s very used throughout Italy.

Example: “Finalmente ho trovato un segretario che mi va a genio” (I finally found a secretary I’m fond of)

6) Adoro

This alternative expresses an intense satisfaction and probably it’s the form that Italian people use the most.

Example: “Io adoro insegnare l’italiano: è la mia passione!” (I love teaching Italian: it’s my passion!)

7) Amo / sono innamorato di

In addition to having a romantic connotation, these alternatives are used to express appreciation!

Example: “Amo camminare per la città; sono innamorato delle strutture moderne!” (I love walking through the city. I’m in love with modern structures)

8) Vado pazzo/matto per…

We use this expression to indicate something we like so much that drives us crazy!

Example: “Anna va matta per la cioccolata, mentre io vado pazzo per le torte” (Anna is crazy about chocolate, but I’m all about cakes)

9) È una figata/uno sballo!

These alternatives generally belong to colloquial language.

Examples: “La pallacanestro è davvero una figata” (Basketball is awesome!)

or: “Il sushi è uno sballo!” (Sushi is mind-blowing!)




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Alternatives to “Mi piace” in Italian - Alternative alla Parola “Mi piace”

Alternatives to “Mi piace” in Italian - Alternative alla Parola “Mi piace”


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