An Expensive Mistake to Avoid in Business: Advice from Susie Bulloch
From a passion and digital content to retiring her husband and physical products, Susie Bulloch has learned a lot about how to run a successful business. On today’s podcast episode Susie, the founder of Hey Grill Hey, shares how her company turned into what it is today by listening to the feedback from her online community, an expensive lesson and continuing to educate herself. Her mission is to make learning to BBQ accessible for anyone and has built a business model that allows them to help others and also bring in the finances they needed for her husband to quit the job and help grow their business alongside Susie. Susie talks about the lifestyle difference of a consistent job vs. an entrepreneur’s job and why they unexpectedly found themselves as entrepreneurs. Tune in now to learn what tips you can apply to your business.
Connect with Susie Bulloch:
- On Instagram: @heygrillhey
- On Facebook: @heygrillhey
- Susie’s website: Hey Grill Hey
Connect with Alison:
- On Facebook: @alisonjprince
- On Instagram: @alisonjprince
- Learn about the 0-100K System and how you can launch and grow your own online business here.
- Join the Print Sprint here.