Angel On Top | 5.01 Conviction
Buffy may be off, vacationing in the UK (???) but Angel is still hard at work at a new law firm with some new Sunnydale arrivals...
As a treat, here is the first episode of our sister-pod, Angel On Top, for those of you who might need a little of the Buffyverse in your ears after our departure. Hosted by LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (with a dash of Kristin), it is a very good time and will be here to cover all of Season 5!! In fact, today in the feed 5.02 "Just Rewards" released!
Find all of the Angel goodness right here:
5.01 Conviction | Scoobies, a new era has arrived. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is dead. Long live Buffy the Vampire Slayer! And with its ending, so endeth the Buffering the Vampire Slayer/Angel on Top FEUD. But the show must go on, as there is still one more season of Angel left. Which means Angel on Top just has to provide a corker of a return episode. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 premiere "Conviction," a re-pilot of sorts.
LaToya Ferguson: @lafergs Read An Encyclopedia of Women’s Wrestling
Morgan Lutich: @lorganmutich
Listen to LaToya, Morgan, and their pal Jill discuss The Vampire Diaries on The AMPire Diaries podcast!
Angel On Top: @angelontopcast on twitter and instagram
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Producers: LaToya Ferguson, Morgan Lutich, and Kristin Russo
Editor: Kristin Russo
Music + Jingles: Jenny Owen Youngs
Logo: Kristine Thune
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