Announcement: the state of the stars

Announcement: the state of the stars

Update: 2024-02-29


Wonderful cultists,

The earliest part of 2024 has been a series of failed rolls that we’ve been continuing to try to Push, but unfortunately we’ve not always succeeded.

There have been some critical successes as well as fumbles, though. First of all, the inimitable Braydon has, through fel magicks, brought his own new  spawn into the universe. Join us in welcoming Reya (and admire her either on Discord or on our Patreon!)

Gilly’s also had her own life changes, in the form of having to travel extensively for work this year! She’s consequently not able to join us on the regular for the next part of our Berlin campaign, but we’re sure you’ll join us in wishing her well on her adventures and hoping she can come back soon to play with us!

Thus, we have had to make some changes in how we are doing things on our end, at least for the time being. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. We’ll be reducing our release frequency to every two weeks, rather than every week, in order to rebuild a buffer, and rush less with recording and editing.

  2. We’ll be tweaking our patreon offerings to make our bonus content more accessible.  Beyond The Madness, our post-recording chit-chat show, will soon also be available at the Cult Initiate tier! The Cult Elder and Avatar tiers will continue to have exclusive access to our bonus game-play. This will soon include a second play-through of Alone Against the Static (for any completionists) and The Necropolis (run by Gilly, to help you not miss her too much!).

  3. The next adventure released will be The Exhibition of Dread, a spectral one-shot written by Jared Tallis and published by Stars Are Right. Berlin the Wicked City part 2 is currently being recorded and will be released after that, everything progressing smoothly, so get hyped!

The idea behind this slowing down is for us to serve you the finest Deep One Steaks instead of mere soggy fishburgers, and to ensure that we can keep putting out the podcasts that you’ve all been loving. None of this would have been possible without you, and we appreciate the ongoing support that we have had over the years.

Onwards and upwards, with many hopeful things on the horizon.

Until the Stars are Right again…









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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120 Minutes

Announcement: the state of the stars

Announcement: the state of the stars

Stars Are Right

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