Aparajita Jeedigunta
Dr. Aparajita (AJ) Jeedigunta is an Indian-American social and personality psychologist and a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belongingness practitioner and consultant. As the founder and CEO of AJ Rao, LLC, a boutique DEI& B firm for individuals and small to mid-size businesses, she specializes in cross-cultural equity work, accessibility and leadership development for Asian American women who are passionate about becoming impactful agents of social change in their communities and networks. AJ, a two-time Traumatic Brain Injury survivor, is also a motivational speaker, a keynote speaker and a passionate practitioner of Indian performing arts and the ancient wisdoms embedded in these art forms. She embeds as much of her work with ancient cultural wisdoms as possible. She is currently focused on increasing equity for local and regional not-for-profits in India by connecting these causes with art.
Dr. Aparajita (AJ) Jeedigunta:
IG: www.instagram.com/drajjeedigunta/
FB: www.facebook.com/DrAJRaoCoach/
Website: www.flowcode.com/page/ajraollc
Go Fund Me ‘Help us help NGOs and upcoming singers’ https://gofund.me/e58b7c14
Email: Wokewisdompodcast@gmail.com
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Facebook: Woke Wisdom Podcast
Instagram: @wokewisdompodcast
Meet/Work with Alexandra Loves~Aya Iworiosa: www.themoongardentemple.com
Original podcast music, "Morning Love" by Quincy Davis
Disclaimer and Copyright Claim: The information in all podcast episodes and corresponding materials of the Woke Wisdom Podcast With Alexandra Loves are provided for general informational and explorative purposes only, it is not professional advice. Any content provided by Alexandra Loves, guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to defame, slander, or malign any person, place, or thing. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or attached material. Alexandra Loves and her guests are not therapists, counselors, or physicians unless otherwise stated. By listening to this podcast you agree not to use this podcast or corresponding material to treat any mental, physical, or medical condition in either yourself or others. To view the disclaimer in its entirety, click the "podcast" tab on the www.alexandraloves.com website.