Are Games Art?
It is hard to talk about this episode without giving too much away, but basically I talked to Sharell, an old college friend of mine, about games as an art form. Just listen and you will enjoy. My favorite quote from Sharell, “there is also one factor that comes into play when I play a game like that, the nostalgia factor… there is such a thing as classics.” Well said my friend
A Sidebar Podcast is where it is the second-best podcast after mine of course, lol, check out my friend and his girlfriend:
Death Race was the arcade game I could not remember during the episode:
Mimicry as a game category:'_key_ideas_on_play
Roger Ebert was, in fact, the famous critic who said that games could never be art although he did clarify a few points over the years after making that remark:
Look at how the music for Mario Kart for Wii U was made!
Brown v Entertainment Merchants Association Majority Opinion:
Article About Fortnite Ninja Skin:
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the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
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