Are We All Mentally Ill? (Featuring Cara Santa Maria and Jon Gabrus)
Much misunderstanding surrounds mental illness in our society! What does it mean to be mentally ill? Are we all on some kind of spectrum? How do we diagnose and treat mental illness? There is so much to talk about, and talk we shall. Cara Santa Maria is a tremendously experienced science communicator, but she also has a masters degree in neuroscience, and is working on a PhD in psychology, so she has a lot to say on this subject, both from an academic and personal perspective. Moderator Jon Gabrus has some opinions as well, and there are a lot of fun tangents in this episode. But we do manage to make some very important conclusions regarding mental illness that everyone should be aware of!
Guest: Cara Santa Maria
Moderator: Jon Gabrus
All music created by Simulated Sun:
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