DiscoverYour Intended MessageAre You an Entrepreneur with ADHD? ST Rappaport
Are You an Entrepreneur with ADHD? ST Rappaport

Are You an Entrepreneur with ADHD? ST Rappaport

Update: 2024-06-13


How to improve your thinking skills regardless of your strengths
Strengths and opportunities for ADHD entrepreneurs

Episode 211 (ST is based in Florida)

In this conversation with ST Rappaport we explore:

  • Appreciating the 28 thinking skills

  • How to recognize ADHD challenges

  • How to deal with overwhelm

  • How to leverage our five senses to organize new information

  • The three phases of thinking and how to 

  • Why ADHD people can be the movers and shakers

  • How to use curious questions and learning to keep your brain young

About our guest, St Rappaport:

Been studying how the brain thinks (& what we can do to improve it) since the age of 11
Always looking to solve the root cause of any issue (instead of just putting on a band aid)
Absolutely love learning but not school. Dropped out of school at 16 
ST Rappaport
Helping ADHD entrepreneurs optimize their brain so growing their business is easier.
Grab your copy of Your Essential Guide to Cognitive Functions
Free Thinking Skills Assessment:



Excerpts from this conversation with ST Rappaport:

I think that people with ADHD are the real movers and shakers of this world. Anyone who's done anything really big in this world, most definitely has ADHD. And I just love being around such people.


And sometimes it's a good idea not to consider all the details, because if you did, it would overwhelm you and scare you.


Do you believe that people can multitask?


What we do is we task switch. Yes, we are switching tasks really, really quickly from tasks that is includes if you have ADHD, and a lot of people think they have ADHD, and they can multitask really well.

But if you observe yourself, what you're actually doing is you're switching from task to task really, really quickly. only exception to this is when you're doing a task that doesn't require brainpower.

Then let's say for example, if you're driving driving down the highway, 60 miles an hour, and it's like, just not thinking and you have a podcast playing, you could still be listening to your intended message, right?

You're still listening to the podcast. However, if out of nowhere, a car comes and cuts you off. Or all of a sudden, like there's a bike that like a pedestrian or something that you think you weren't expecting those few seconds to settle and stop and you were focused on the road,

You're more focused on the road, your brain didn't hear what was in that podcast, you will literally if you want to hear what was said, we'll have to go back there a couple of seconds to hear it because your brain was shut off.

So you can multitask until one of the things don't need brain power.


You want to make sure you are always, always always always doing new and challenging tasks. If you want to keep your brain young, you want to do new and challenging,

not just new and not just challenging, but those two together, those are the best way for you to keep your brain young and provide any of the elderly diseases that none of us want related to the brain.



Your Intended Message is the podcast about how you can boost your career and business success by honing your communication skills. We’ll examine the aspects of how we communicate one-to-one, one to few and one to many – plus that important conversation, one to self.

In these interviews we will explore presentation skills, public speaking, conversation, persuasion, negotiation, sales conversations, marketing, team meetings, social media, branding, self talk and more.



Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in communication skills. Especially presentation. He’s fascinated by the links between communication and influencing behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


Connect with George










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Are You an Entrepreneur with ADHD? ST Rappaport

Are You an Entrepreneur with ADHD? ST Rappaport

George Torok