DiscoverBurning Man LIVEArt That Inflames
Art That Inflames

Art That Inflames

Update: 2024-07-10


Burning Man culture brings people together across all kinds of divides, yet we’re seeing an uptick of intolerance toward art and experiences in our community. The default world is often divided by ideology, religion, and politics. Could that division seep into this culture that aspires to welcome everyone?

How can we navigate the turbulent waters between, say, Radical Self-expression and Radical Inclusion? How do we walk the line between free speech and hate speech? How do we keep our global community together in times of outright war?

Listen in on a roundtable discussion about concerns that don’t have easy solutions. A few folks explore how the act of conversation changes what might otherwise seem controversial or divisive:

• Stuart Mangrum is Burning Man Project’s Director of the Philosophical Center so he directed some philosophers to center around a microphone to discuss.
• Caveat Magister debated and discussed Burning Man philosophy, then wrote books about it.
• Kay Morrison is a veteran Black Rock City artist, active in the Global Network, and a Burning Man Project board member.
• Steven Raspa is Associate Director of Community Events for Burning Man Project, and a co-founder of the Regional Network Committee.

This conversation concerns art, yes, and behavior — as participants, as people. It’s about being open-minded and open-hearted, even when it’s difficult to do. What is a safe space? What is a brave space? How can jackassery be respectful? What’s with all the questions? Tune in for the answers that lead to more questions.

Turn Your Life Into Art with Caveat Magister (Burning Man LIVE)

Kay Morrison and the Overall Wonderment Quotient (Burning Man LIVE)

Remember How to Burning Man with Steven Raspa (Burning Man LIVE)

Stuart Mangrum’s Serious Philosophy of Shenanigans (Burning Man LIVE)










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Art That Inflames

Art That Inflames

Stuart Magrum, Kay Morrison, Caveat Magister, Steven Raspa