Articulating Your Strengths (ep.144)

Articulating Your Strengths (ep.144)

Update: 2023-10-30


How can you articulate your strengths and accomplishments, without sounding arrogant? Andrea answers one of the most common questions she hears. First, avoid “I am humbled,” self-deprecation, or resorting to the humble brag. Instead, try these three key strategies: “Three Magic Words,” “Pivoting,” and “Own It.” Now you can share your strengths and accomplishments to reinforce your personal brand without sounding boastful or conceited.

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In today’s Talk About Talk episode, I’m going to share my answer to the most common question that I get from my individual coaching clients and in the workshops that I lead. It’s this:

“Andrea. I understand how important it is when I’m developing my personal brand to focus on my strengths and my accomplishments. But how do I actually articulate my strengths in public without sounding arrogant – and conceited – and boastful?

Greetings and welcome to Talk About Talk episode 144: Articulating your strengths and accomplishments without sounding arrogant.

I’m so glad you’re here.  Let me introduce myself. In case we haven’t met, my name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki and I’m YOUR executive communication coach. Please call me Andrea!  I’m the founder of Talk About Talk, where I coach communication skills to ambitious executives through 1:1 coaching, bootcamps, workshops and keynote speaking. My objective is to help you improve your clarity and confidence, so you have more credibility. When you have more credibility, you can make real impact. And that’s when you’ll get noticed and your carer will take off!  THAT is my goal here.  

If this resonates with you, then I also encourage you to check out the Talk about website. There are many resources there to help you out. If you’re an individual executive, there’s information about private coaching and small group bootcamps. If you’re a leader or an HR manager looking to boost the communication skills of your team, there’s also information about corporate workshops and keynote speeches.  And there are plenty of free resources too: like the archive of this bi-weekly podcast, AND, I really hope you’ll sign up for the Talk About Talk email newsletter. That newsletter is your chance to get communication tips and coaching from me every week. 

I also  hope you’ll connect with me on LinkedIn and maybe send me a message and let me know what you think about this episode.

Alright, let’s get going. Articulating your strengths and accomplishments without sounding arrogant.

Like I said, this is the most common Q I get. This is a common dilemma.

I’ve said this before on other episodes, but it bears repeating:

Your work doesn’t speak for itself.  YOU MUST speak for your work.

Back when we were much younger. Like, think about when we were students.








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Articulating Your Strengths (ep.144)

Articulating Your Strengths (ep.144)

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki