Avengers Spotlight #49 – The Coming of …The Swordsman”
Avengers Spotlight #49 – The Coming of …The Swordsman” The episode description is ” It’s time to Spotlight the Avengers once again as Paul & Bill continue looking at some of the early adventures of “Cap’s Kooky Quartet”. Avengers #19 features :The Coming of…The Swordsman
Disenfranchised by the modern comics industry, Paul Spataro and Bill Robinson now ply the timestream in a never-ending quest to re-discover and re-connect with that unique brand of fun and excitement that can only truly be found in good ol’ fashioned r
Two True Freaks! is a proud member of BOTH the Comics Podcast Network (http://www.comicspodcasts.com/) and the League of Comic Book Podcasts (<a href="http:http://twotruefreaks.com/media/podcasts/backtothebins/mp3/AvengersSpotlight049-Avengers19.mp3