DiscoverBack Talk DocBack Surgery Revisions with Patrick Jowdy, MD
Back Surgery Revisions with Patrick Jowdy, MD

Back Surgery Revisions with Patrick Jowdy, MD

Update: 2023-03-16


During medical school, Dr. Patrick Jowdy was drawn to neurology and neurosurgery because of the challenges of the pathology and the importance of the work in improving patients’ lives. It was seeing the patients doing well post-op that finalized his interest in neurosurgery.

In this episode of Back Talk Doc, host Dr. Sanjiv Lakhia talks with colleague Dr. Jowdy, now a neurosurgeon at Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates, about how he treats patients who may need second low back surgeries. 

“Whenever anybody presents with [recurring] issues, the main thing that you need to really tease out is what the history is and what's really bothering them,” says Dr. Jowdy. “Sometimes there could be problems from an error in judgment and not really technique. That's why it's really important to identify what the problem is to begin with.” 

In addition to discussing treatment options for second, or revision, spinal surgeries, Dr. Jowdy also offers guidance on how back pain sufferers can try to avoid needing a second surgery. Tune in to hear how surgeons approach patients who present recurrent back pain after surgery and tips for maintaining a healthy spine. 

💡 Featured Expert 💡

Name: Patrick Jowdy, MD

What he does: As a neurosurgeon at Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates, Dr. Jowdy offers personalized care to his patients by using minimally invasive techniques and complex procedures to treat spine and brain pathologies.

Company: Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates

Words of wisdom: “What I tell patients after the operation is, there is a defect that the disc herniated through in the first place. The best chance you can give it to heal is to take it easy for a couple of weeks after the surgery. So I tell them, no heavy lifting, no bending, no twisting, just to give your back a rest in the weeks that come after the surgery just to reduce the chance that more discs can re-herniate.”

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Back Talk Doc is brought to you by Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates, with offices in North and South Carolina. To learn more about Dr. Lakhia and treatment options for back and spine issues, go to To schedule an appointment with Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates, you can call us at 1-800-344-6716 or visit our website at









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Back Surgery Revisions with Patrick Jowdy, MD

Back Surgery Revisions with Patrick Jowdy, MD

Sanjiv Lakhia - Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates