Backups, Frameworks, And Encryption: How To Protect Your Business From Data Loss With Chris Marshall
Data loss can be catastrophic for businesses of all sizes. But with the right routine, frameworks, and security measures in place, it's not a matter of if a backup will save you, but when. For today’s episode, we have Chris Marshall, a programming wizard, and CEO of Verified Backups LLC. Chris shares his expertise in backups, frameworks, and encryption, providing valuable insights for businesses of all sizes. He emphasizes the significance of establishing a solid routine and efficient frameworks to get ready for audits. Additionally, he highlights the necessity of meeting regulatory requirements through encryption and other security measures. Chris dives into the world of backup providers, introducing the largest software backup provider, Veeam software, and the impacts they are making. He shares his advice for ensuring security in backups, and addresses common misconceptions about backup testing and recovery. Tune in now and learn how to protect your business from data loss.