What do you think of when you hear the word “Balloonomania”? You probably think it has something to do with balloons, and you’d be right. But not the type of balloons you see at birthday parties. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about the kind of balloons that take people up into the sky—hot-air balloons. One aeronaut made history as the first woman to take to the skies all by herself. She was so famous that she became a favorite of Napoleon of France. This is the story of Sophie Blanchard and her trip to the skies.
About Honest History
Honest History creates award-winning books, magazines, and this show for young historians across the world. Our mission is to inspire kids to create a positive impact on history themselves. Learn more at and @honesthistory.
This episode was hosted by Tory Ward, written by Heidi Coburn, and produced by Randall Lawrence and Robot Pirate Media. Original theme music was written and recorded by Luke Messimer.
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