Be the Refuge - Featuring Thich Nhat Hanh
Another global storm seems to be brewing so how will we navigate THIS sh!ft?
We searched for some guidance to remain chill in the chaos. This video is an introspective wisdom clip to aid the soul as we learn to create our new world (excerpted from the full-length episode of “Where the *bleep* are the Leaders?!”).
Someone once asked Master Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, “How do you keep yourself from losing faith in humanity?” The profound answer applies to each of us and speaks to the power we all possess to calm ourselves which has a positive ripple effect on others.
As Buddha has taught us…the pain is inevitable but the suffering is optional. We invite you to raise the vibe by being the change we all seek to see in the world. Stay calm and carry on.
Peace up & Big love,
Angel & Alecia
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