Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion

Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion

Update: 2024-04-09


🎙 Get ready to celebrate! This episode marks Mother Malia's 6-month birthday, a milestone since her transformation at the Sedona retreat. Mother Malia reflects on her incredible journey,  the invaluable lessons learned, and the immense growth she's experienced in just half a year.  Mother Malia also expresses her gratitude to the amazing group who supported her - her "Mother Malia midwives" - including Christina Rice, Alyse Bacine, Andrea Donnelly, Linda Satterfield, Robyn McKay, Jia Dafu, Jennifer Peek, and Carol Szuky.

Mother Malia: Feeling Like I'm Just Getting Started

Get ready for a powerful dose of inspiration channeled directly from Mother Malia! She feels like she's "just getting started," describing a sense of emergence, "like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon."  The past six months have been a whirlwind of personal growth, and she can't wait to see "what will happen next?"

A Collective Awakening Predicted by Mother Malia

Mother Malia foresees a significant awakening for many this year. Even those who consider themselves "already awake" are poised to take their understanding to the "next level." Buckle up – we're on an accelerated timeline according to Mother Malia!

Mother Malia Guides Us Through the Shift

The world is about to witness some major changes, as Mother Malia shares. She anticipates an influx of "walk-in beings" inhabiting human bodies. However, she remains optimistic. While there might be tension on the world stage due to "fake wars" and fear-mongering about artificial intelligence and cyber security ("cyber such things"), light will prevail.

Staying in Our Original Course: Key Takeaways from Mother Malia

Through these uncertain times, Mother Malia emphasizes the importance of staying centered. Here are some key takeaways from her wisdom:

  • Living in Our Original Course: Let go of anxieties and shine your true light, even if others misunderstand it.

  • Holding Our Frequency: It's crucial to stay connected to your inner guidance ("channel") to be aware of potential life pivots.

  • Not Giving In to Panic: We are on a "fast-moving train," and a sense of urgency is natural. But it's not from a place of panic; it's about embracing the acceleration.

A Look Ahead with Mother Malia

The episode wraps up with Mother Malia expressing her desire for continued connection. She teases the possibility of a future in-person reunion, "perhaps even in Christina's studio." We would also like to acknowledge the midwives who have been on this journey with Mother Malia: Alyse Bacine, Andrea Donnelly, Linda Satterfield, Robyn McKay, Jia Dafu, Jennifer Peek, and Carol Szuky. Their support has been invaluable.


Join us as we delve into this insightful conversation! You'll also hear Mother Malia's thoughts on the upcoming election (spoiler alert: she doesn't expect a dull one!). 

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Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion

Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion

Jennifer Longmore/Mother Malia